Firstly and most importantly you need to get familiar with your computer. You need to bond with it and get to know what makes it tick, so that you can understand it that little bit better.
This includes knowing whether your computer is feeling at its best or not. Is it fully charged and ready to go for the day or are its batteries low and it's running out of energy.

To change the power down options i.e time before your machine goes into standby mode you need to go to the control panel,from the start menu, select power option properties and set the turn off and standby times for when your machine is plugged in and running on batteries.
Next you need to make sure your computer is feeling safe and secure.

If you haven`t installed the AVG anti virus yet follow the walk through Dave sent you, which he has placed on Moodle-Yr7-Computers-Netbooks. If you have students with their own laptops they need to install this too (the program is in the Netbook section of Moodle as well).
Make sure you also have automatic updates on too then your computer will be feeling looked after and kept up to date. This will automatically update Virus Protection/ Windows when you are connected to the internet. You can check for updates by clicking the windows security setting icon at the bottom of the screen too.
If you've done all this your computer should be in the zone and performing to the best of it's potential. The time should automatically update the next time it updates but you can set the clock now if you wish by hovering over the time icon at the bottom of the screen.
And last but not least you want to know if your machine is feeling sociable and wanting to collaborate with others.

As mentioned above just because you can see the wifi control on the icon bar doesn't mean you are connected to the internet. After the wifi/internet has timed out you will need to reestablish the connection. To do this you need to right click the wireless icon, disable it first, then double click the wireless connection and reestablish the connection again.
If that doesn't work and anything else goes wrong to that matter use the old and trusted method - TURN THE COMPUTER OFF AND TURN IT BACK ON AGAIN - It solves a multitude of problems and saves a lot of teacher time if you can get the kids into this habit.
That should be enough to get you started and familiar with your machine but if you need to know what any of the other controls/icons or function keys mean don't hesitate to leave a comment here for a prompt reply.
I`ve put the full reference manual on Moodle too under Yr7-Computers- Netbooks. The kids can access this too - so don't worry if I'm talking double dutch - they'll work it out.
Next - Lesson 2 - We all Need Time to Play
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